International Court of Justice in Ukraine's War 

has been organized in the year. 

Principal prosecutor associate presented case files; 

Atlantic Forces and Independent Forces

for they operated war-fighting battles 

in the Ukraine for two years. 

United States of America and Union nations

created Joint Military Alliance of the 

North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Russian Federation and Commonwealth nations 

created United Armed Forces of the 

Commonwealth of Independent States 

They chose the battlefield in the Ukraine. 

Battles in the Ukraine was last phase of the third world war, 

The world war was started as global war on terrorism, 

When the world raised in a new beginning after end of the war, 

An international court for  global politics and relations

has been seated in the Hague of Netherlands 

to reconstruction of Nations,

review lose and damages, 

by the years long war and terrorism. 

The court of third world war was actively continued for seven years, 

They were able to investigate in-depth images of the battles.

About one thousand civilian, soldiers and officers were death voiced, 

And imprisonment was ordered to more than ten thousand. 

Also, thousands of people were issued state sanctions for different years.

Whereas the international war court contributed legal roles to reconstruction nations. 

In year, the world court invited call for hearing a review petition— 

after a new report submission by the 

United Nations High-Commissioner of the 

War Field Inspection and the Ukraine Reconstruction. 

He said that millions of people displaced, suffering and injured, 

and lots of people's death & property damage caused. 

But the big scenarios of disaster are not true at all,

Both forces used false objects in front of their respective enemies. 

He explained briefly about war technologies to miss-guides weapons; 

Computerized auto-guided missile, 

Any rocket system weapon in capacity of the 

machine learning and artificial intelligence,

When launch to hit to an object on surface, underwater, air and space 

The weapon's warhead also carry camera and radar technology— 

to scan it's around, find and track the object to hit & destroy. 

The object can be an aircraft, a ship and an infrastructure. 

Target defense system also can create a false atmospheric object 

on the ground, water and airspace— 

Which can be with lighting technique, chemical weave, 

electro signal, and physical materials. 

So the moving weapon can see a false aircraft, ship and infrastructure— 

Which actually do not exist but weapon perform there a hit 

So, as same most of targets attacked by the two led forces

were such false objects in Ukraine they created by. 


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